How Data Governance Shapes the Future of AI Applications and What Businesses Should Be Doing About It.

As 2024 kicks off, enterprises are keen to adopt Generative AI (GenAI) but often find themselves ill-equipped in terms of their data infrastructure. This deficiency hinders the effective and scalable application of LLMs.

In particular, while structured data (such as numerical tables) has traditionally been the focus of data governance, the rise of LLMs has brought the importance of unstructured data to the fore. This type of data, encompassing text documents, videos, images, and audio recordings, is pivotal for a wide array of AI applications including chatbots, smart knowledge assistants, and content-generation tools. Despite its importance, unstructured data has not received adequate attention in terms of governance.

The typical scenario in many companies involves an overwhelming amount of unstructured data scattered across various platforms and systems, often without systematic management. This chaotic landscape presents three primary challenges that need to be addressed to facilitate reliable AI usage: data relevance, data quality, and data safety.

Data Relevance LLMs, despite their intelligence, require extensive guidance to filter through vast amounts of documents and identify the most pertinent sources for information extraction. For instance, an insurance company employing a knowledge assistant trained on a vast array of policies faces the challenge of ensuring that the responses provided are contextually accurate and relevant.

The concept of data quality in the realm of unstructured data is relatively uncharted. Traditional methods of evaluating tabular data for outliers, freshness, and completeness are inadequate in this new context. Challenges arise when dealing with inconsistencies in naming conventions, conflicting information, or outdated and soon-to-be obsolete data.

Data Safety Protecting sensitive information, ranging from personal identifiable information (PII) to proprietary data, is critical. Regulations like GDPR in Europe pose significant challenges. For example, inadvertently including a customer’s personal data in a training set could necessitate the deletion of the entire model if a data removal request is made. Moreover, internal data access controls pose challenges, especially in the context of knowledge assistants and chatbots.

Moving forward, the effective adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs) by organizations necessitates a comprehensive and strategic approach to managing unstructured data. This approach should address several critical challenges to ensure that the deployment and use of LLMs are both efficient and beneficial.

Developing a Robust Data Governance Framework
Organizations must establish a solid data governance framework that sets standards for data quality, security, and usability. This framework should include policies and procedures for data collection, storage, processing, and sharing. It should also encompass guidelines for maintaining data integrity, accuracy, and relevance, particularly when dealing with diverse and dynamic unstructured data sources.

Implementing Advanced Data Processing and Curation Techniques
Given the vast and varied nature of unstructured data, enterprises must invest in advanced data processing tools and methodologies. These could include natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract meaningful information from textual data, image and video analysis tools for visual content, and audio processing for sound data. Proper curation of this data is crucial, ensuring that only relevant, high-quality data is fed into LLMs, thereby improving their performance and output accuracy.

Emphasizing Data Relevance and Contextualization
It’s imperative for businesses to focus on the relevance and contextualization of the data used. This involves not only collecting and processing large amounts of unstructured data but also ensuring that this data is contextually aligned with the specific use cases and applications of the LLM. Tailoring the data to the context of the business problem or application enhances the model’s effectiveness and reduces the likelihood of irrelevant or inaccurate outputs.

Enhancing Data Security and Privacy Measures
With the increasing use of sensitive and personal data, organizations must prioritize data security and privacy. This includes implementing robust encryption, access controls, and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Furthermore, anonymizing and pseudonymizing data where necessary can help protect individual privacy while still allowing the valuable insights to be extracted by the LLMs.

Investing in Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The field of AI and LLMs is rapidly evolving. Organizations need to invest in continuous learning and adaptation to keep pace with technological advancements. This includes regular updates to their data management strategies, staying informed about the latest developments in AI and machine learning, and adapting their processes and systems accordingly.

By tackling these aspects, organizations can create a fertile ground for LLMs to thrive, leading to more innovative, efficient, and effective AI-driven solutions. This strategic approach to unstructured data management is not just about harnessing the current capabilities of AI but also about future-proofing businesses against the continuously evolving landscape of technology.
